The diverse effects of CBD for migraines

Migraine is an attack-like headache that can be quite persistent and recur at irregular intervals. It often involves a throbbing pain on one side of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and a strong desire to rest in a darkened room. Light and noise can be particularly unpleasant during a migraine. Migraine attacks can last from 4 to 72 hours and cannot be compared with normal headaches, as migraines cannot be cured. Migraines can reduce the quality of life of those affected and restrict their everyday life. There are many triggers for migraines, such as stress, certain foods or even changes in hormone levels.


Treatment can include medication to relieve the pain and preventative measures, such as a healthy lifestyle, stress management and getting enough sleep. Medical cannabis could be an alternative to medication. But is cannabidiol, CBD, really able to prevent or treat migraines?

The role of CBD and serotonin in the treatment of migraines

For centuries, people have been using cannabis to treat headaches. CBD is a natural active ingredient that is found in the flowers of the hemp plant and scores highly for its non-psychoactive effect. Although we still don't know exactly what happens in the body during a migraine attack, researchers have found evidence that the neurotransmitter serotonin plays an important role. If you suffer from migraines, the cause could be an imbalance of serotonin. It is assumed that more serotonin is released during an attack. Medication for migraines often aims to influence the receptors responsible for this and thus constrict the dilated blood vessels, which relieves the pain. CBD could have a similar effect by increasing serotonin levels. This could theoretically help to reduce migraine attacks.

The multiple potential effects of CBD on migraines and symptoms

Cannabinoids are similar to the body's own compounds that interact with our endocannabinoid system. Therefore, CBD may have similar effects to these endogenous compounds, affecting processes such as digestion, inflammation, the nervous system and pain.

CBD in the form of capsules, oil and other products may also relieve the side effects of migraines, such as nausea and loss of appetite. CBD is also valued for its relaxing effects, which is why it can help relieve stress, prevent migraine attacks and reduce sleep problems.

New findings from studies on cannabinoids and their potential use in migraine

Interestingly, a comprehensive scientific review of numerous clinical studies on cannabinoids in pain management has shown promising results in the treatment of severe pain. Another study investigated the effects of cannabis on headaches and migraines, as its use for pain relief is widespread but has not yet been sufficiently researched. Officially, there is no study investigating the isolated use of CBD for migraines. However, the available results are promising when it comes to symptom treatment.

The role of CBD in relieving other symptoms of migraine

Although headaches are the dominant symptom, it should not be forgotten that sufferers can also experience other types of pain. For example, neck and muscle pain can also occur during or after a migraine attack. They are usually not as severe as the headaches, but are still unpleasant. CBD products such as ointments applied directly to the affected areas can relax tense muscles and reduce the feeling of stiffness.

CBD, migraines and sleep

Common triggers for migraines are alcohol, overeating, hormonal changes, travel and, above all, stress. People who take CBD oil say that they can sleep better and that they feel more relaxed and stress-resistant overall. This in turn can have a positive effect on migraines and headaches.

The potential role of CBD as a natural alternative

Another important point is that migraine patients very often need strong painkillers or take triptans, which not only relieve the headache but also the accompanying symptoms of migraines such as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to noise and light. CBD could be a natural and gentle alternative here.

Tips for the optimal use of CBD

Here you decide how you prefer to consume it. For example, you can easily take it orally as an oil. To do this, drip the CBD oil directly onto your tongue. Don't forget to shake the bottle well beforehand and then refill the pipette. Keep the oil in your mouth for at least 30 seconds so that the CBD can be absorbed well by the oral mucosa. That way, you can enjoy the full effect.

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