CBD knowledge
Der Megatrend CBD gleicht einem regelrechten Dschungel aus Heilversprechen, Unklarheiten und aufkeimendem wissenschaftlichem Verständnis. Während sich die Begeisterung für CBD unaufhaltsam verbreitet, ist es an der Zeit, missverständliche Mythen endlich ans Tageslicht zu bringen. Die Erfahrung zeigt: Je mehr positive...
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Who knows it too? My nose is itchy, my eyes are running and it's hardly possible to go outside during the peak phase. Hay fever is a common allergic disease that affects millions of people around the world. In the...
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In the last ten years, the number of people suffering from back pain has risen sharply. It is estimated that 50-80% of all Swiss people are affected by back pain. For many people it is a short-term condition, while for...
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Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a substance derived from the hemp plant. It is often used as a natural alternative to traditional medicines as it offers a variety of health benefits. Alcohol is a substance often consumed for pleasure or relaxation,...
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CBD, also known as cannabidiol, comes from chemical compounds found in the female hemp plant. In recent years, it has attracted increasing attention as an alternative treatment method for a variety of health problems. One possible application of CBD is...
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